Nap time for babies can be tough – not only for babies but also for moms.
So what if baby won’t nap?
You can look around the internet and find evidence of this problem in no time flat. Fortunately, there are lots of practical ways to make a 3-month-old nap schedule to help you and to help your baby get all the rest they need.
- Benefits of Napping
- How many naps for a 3-month-old?
- What To Do When Your Baby Won’t Nap?
- Nap Schedule for a 3-Month-Old
Benefits of Napping For Babies
Some of the most important developments in the mind of a baby happen while they’re having their mid-day nap.
Aside from the obvious result of a pleasant baby, napping aides the emotional development process and can actually help to reduce anxiety and increase cognitive abilities.
Another benefit of babies napping during the day is that they will get a better night of sleep. While this may come as a surprise to many, especially because taking a nap seems like it’d only make you less tired, babies become very grouchy if they do not get their mid-day nap.
A grouchy baby is much more likely to be reluctant to sleep at night, so that mid-day shut-eye is crucial for parents to have a peaceful night of sleep.
Last, but certainly not least, one of the biggest health concerns for babies is their weight.
A study conducted by Miller, Lumeng and LeBourgeois showed a correlation between poor sleep and weight gain in children.
Often, parents react to their baby’s tantrum by shoving a bottle in their mouth, but it’s important to recognize different cues for each kind of tantrum.
This will reduce the likelihood of later childhood obesity and promote healthier habits between parent and child.
How many naps should a 3-month-old take?
Age | Daytime Sleep | Number Of Naps |
3 Months | 3-5 hours | 4-6 / Day |
Sometimes it is hard to know how long a baby should sleep during the day. It can especially difficult with three-month-olds, as they are out of the newborn stage, and they are getting more active and alert.
Three-month-olds need between 3-5 hours of sleep during the day. This can be divided up into anywhere from 4-6 naps per day, although they will usually start taking fewer naps by this age. The naps can range from anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours (if you get lucky.)
Unfortunately, sometimes you will hold the baby a little too long and they will wake up as soon as you put them down in their crib.
This can be frustrating, but it does count as one of their daily naps. You can likely count on the baby being awake for between half an hour to an hour and a half after even a short nap.
If you want to avoid this, try to put them down when they are in a deep sleep, but just after they have gotten to this point in the sleep cycle.
If you wait too long, they may be ready to wake up as soon as you put them down.
This brings me to one of the most important rules for sleep for any baby. Do not let them stay awake too long between naps.
It sounds counterintuitive, but babies who have been awake for longer than they should be will be much harder to get to sleep.
A three-month-old can stay awake between 30-90 minutes before you need to begin the sleep routine.
What If Baby Won’t Nap?
If you’ve waited too long to get the baby down for a nap and are having a hard time, there are some tricks you can try.
Some babies like motion, which would include rocking or even sitting on an exercise ball. Some enjoy soft music or even white noise, like a fan.
Many babies like going for a ride in the car when they are sleepy, while others will scream at the sight of their car seat.
If you do not have a baby carrier, like a wrap or a sling, you might give one a try. Many babies love to be close to their moms while sleeping, as is only natural.
Baby wearing allows the mom to get things done while baby is close and comfortable.
Ask a friend to try their baby carrier if you are hesitant to spend the money. Many moms find them to be a lifesaver.
If baby still won’t nap, sometimes you just have to sit and hold the baby. It can definitely be discouraging at times, but after the baby gets a good nap in, they will be much more cheerful, and who knows, you might get in a little snooze yourself.
Besides, you will never regret snuggling your baby once they get a little older.
You can watch Ysis Lorenna’s video story talking about how she reacted badly to her baby fighting nap time and how she got her to nap in a much better way.
3-Month-Old Nap Schedule Example
First, you will need a nap schedule where you can implement the baby nap routine. a 3-month-old nap schedule can looks like this:
Time | Activity |
6:15 AM | Wake-up time and Feeding |
8:00 Am - 9:00 AM | Naptime |
9:00 Am | Feeding |
11:00 Am - 12:00 Pm | Naptime |
12:00 Pm | Feeding |
2:00 Pm - 3:00 Pm | Naptime |
3:00 Pm | Feeding |
4:00 Pm - 5:00 Pm | Naptime |
5:00 Pm | Feeding |
6:15 Pm Or 6:30 Pm | Bedtime |
Lastly, it is a good idea to start developing a sleep routine for your three-month-old. It can and should be very simple.
For example,
- You will want to check their diaper.
- Then sit and nurse or feed them, perhaps in a rocking chair. They may begin to favor a certain kind of blanket for naps.
- Once they are drowsy, or completely asleep, depending on your baby, put them in their crib. As they get a little bigger, you can add in songs, books, massage, or whatever else you and baby desire.
The idea of a sleep routine is to send a consistent message that it is time for sleep, and it can also be a great bonding experience for you and your baby.
Since they are getting more alert, it is important to get them to sleep in a dim, quiet room. This will help them to nurse or take their bottle without getting distracted, too.
Make sure the room is a good temperature for them.
These tricks will allow them to get the sleep they need to grow and reach the many milestones that lie ahead of them.
Additional information:
- Solutions When Your Baby Won’t Go To Sleep After a Night Feeding
- What To Do If Your Baby Won’t Sleep Alone?
- The Best Baby Light Show Projector
- Best Comfort Baby Carriers
- Toddler Naps Aid Emotional Control
- Sleep patterns and obesity in childhood
Video credits: Ysis Lorenna.